Windy City Made! Year 2

Windy City Made! Year 2

We're in that in-between of Thanksgiving and Christmas, where Chicago hasn't plunged into a total deep freeze, and you may still have a few people on your, "to buy presents for" list. So if you're shopping for you or someone else, or just want to explore a cool old building, come out and see me and 69 other vendors this Sunday! December 3. 

This is the 2nd Annual Windy City Made market and my second year participating. Emma, the owner of Rare Form is the event organizer, curating a market of both local makers and vintage clothing sellers. 

This will be my last in person market of the year! To get a taste of what you might see there, and to see me in all my "prime time ready" television can watch this clip! From a segment WGN news recorded prior to last year's market. 

The market day last December was FREEZING but thousands of people came out anyway. The forecast for this Sunday looks damp. So come inside a cool old building! Sip some Katherine Anne's hot chocolate, visit me for your soap and lotion fix, shop some of your local favorites or find someone new! And bonus, check out one of the most impossibly small bathroom stalls I have ever seen. (I love old buildings, but they have some odd quirks.) 

You can buy advance tickets for $10, or $15 day of.

I hope to see you there! 

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